Saturday, July 2, 2011

Life is Good - part 2

Yes, life is good. Money is important as we need it to pave our way through a myriad of expenses in life. Having money does not guarantee happiness – it does make life easier when pay bills though ;) Still working on working out our finances, but it’s gonna be okay.

I’ve been counting my daily blessings and what I’m thankful for the past few days to encourage myself – it is working! I have my family, health, a house, a car, a job, I can read & write I’m not crazy (some would argue with that one….), and you know what, I actually like myself! Not in an uppity conceited way but finally coming to the conclusion that I am okay – what is it I have heard Joyce Meyer say, "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be. I'm OK, and I'm on my way!" How true is that!!! (If you’ve never listened to her I encourage you to do so)

What does that really mean? Think back to the dumb things you’ve done in your life – some of us have more than others…. – and look at how you have learned what not to do. As a middle school teacher, I have told my students that it is okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them! A person who is unwilling to learn or admit mistakes is actually a miserable person. Why is it so hard for someone to say, “oops, I did it, it was my fault”. The person who doesn’t admit to errors makes it very difficult for others to be around them and they are quite lonely people (isn’t that a song by Paul McCartney? Will have to check)

Back to the “list” - actually, I had so many things I am thankful for that I ran out of space and got fed up of writing – but you get my message here.

Don’t quit, things can change suddenly for us – we need to keep a positive outlook as who wants to be around a grump 

Till next time, BJC~

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