Ever been there?
Yes, we all have!
During these troubling times when we're swamped with the issues of life it is easy to forget where God is, or even wonder if HE is even there at all.
During these times the focus then becomes the problem and not on the problem solver.
We're told by others (fill in the blank here) to give it over to God. Words can be cheap and when the dark clouds of life are rolling in on us we wonder where God is, especially if the issue is something that we have created ourselves. Relate anyone??
Let me share a story on how God showed how to put problems in perspective. I'm walking on my property and talking to God (actually it was more of a gripe session.....) when I looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds above, lots of them. Dark dreary clouds that seemed to overtake the sky. In the middle of the drab miserable clouds I noticed a small smidge of clear blue sky trying to get through the darkness of the clouds. Seeing this I was somewhat comforted and soothed. This tiny patch of blue peeking through this immense patch of darkness and I thought okay God is trying to get through to me. BUT THEN, I shifted my eyes to the side of the cloud, first one side, then the other, then the other, and I saw the clouds and WOAH -
The further out I looked from the dark cloud the more beautiful blue sky I saw.
What an epiphany! God wasn't just trying to break through the dark clouds, HE was much BIGGER than the dark clouds, much bigger! I stood there and just stared with amazement at this revelation. God is everywhere and is much bigger than our problems, and the blue sky showing through the dark clouds told me that God is IN the problem with us.
The word promises HE will never leave us or forsake us. HE is much bigger than the clouds (problem).
Let's look for the blue sky in life and not focus on the problem. The darkness of life is only temporary and we're not alone. Let's focus on the problem solver and not the problem. We're not alone and we shouldn't get so focused on the issue that we forget the blue sky that is really surrounding us; there is light at the end of the tunnel.
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