Friday, December 30, 2011

Cell Phone is Saved From Near Drowning...

Yes, thought that would get your attention :)

Actually this is a true story so YAY for blackberry telephones.

My phone dropped in a sink of water, (that's what happens when doing more than one thing at once ;)) Immediately dove in for the rescue and applied resuscitation tactics; otherwise known as tear the back of the phone off and rip the battery and chip out – all within 5 seconds! After drying out for 24 hours and acting waterlogged, said phone is now functioning as good as new – so glad because I’ve already redeemed insurance after prior mishaps in bowls of chili – I’ll tell you later ;)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Changes are inevitable...

it is how we handle them that matters most!

The past few weeks have been wrought with every conceivable emotion imaginable. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bogged Down Or See The Sunshine?

Stuff happens in life, it's all a part of breathing and living on this earth as a person.  Good things happen and we're living the carefree life then boomp, there is a bump in the road, or rather a problem.  Not just a problem but an insurmountable problem that appears to be overwhelming with no way out. 

Ever been there?

Yes, we all have!

During these troubling times when we're swamped with the issues of life it is easy to forget where God is, or even wonder if HE is even there at all.

During these times the focus then becomes the problem and not on the problem solver.

We're told by others (fill in the blank here) to give it over to God.  Words can be cheap and when the dark clouds of life are rolling in on us we wonder where God is, especially if the issue is something that we have created ourselves.  Relate anyone??

Let me share a story on how God showed how to put problems in perspective.  I'm walking on my property and talking to God (actually it was more of a gripe session.....) when I looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds above, lots of them.  Dark dreary clouds that seemed to overtake the sky.  In the middle of the drab miserable clouds I noticed a small smidge of clear blue sky trying to get through the darkness of the clouds.  Seeing this I was somewhat comforted and soothed.  This tiny patch of blue peeking through this immense patch of darkness and I thought okay God is trying to get through to me.  BUT THEN, I shifted my eyes to the side of the cloud, first one side, then the other, then the other, and I saw the clouds and WOAH -


The further out I looked from the dark cloud the more beautiful blue sky I saw. 

What an epiphany!  God wasn't just trying to break through the dark clouds, HE was much BIGGER than the dark clouds, much bigger!  I stood there and just stared with amazement at this revelation.  God is everywhere and is much bigger than our problems, and the blue sky showing through the dark clouds told me that God is IN the problem with us. 

The word promises HE will never leave us or forsake us.  HE is much bigger than the clouds (problem).

Let's look for the blue sky in life and not focus on the problem.  The darkness of life is only temporary and we're not alone.  Let's focus on the problem solver and not the problem.  We're not alone and we shouldn't get so focused on the issue that we forget the blue sky that is really surrounding us; there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

We're not defeated and we're overcomers in this life!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Victoria Boyson: Forgive and Fulfill Your Destiny

This is a great article written by Victoria Boyson, I encourage you to read and learn from it.  The act of forgiveness is powerful.  Doctors are now showing us studies where people who have chosen to forgive those who have wronged them - are stronger emotionally and suffer far less physical ill health.


Victoria Boyson: Forgive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Friday, July 22, 2011

Barbara JC: Fred & Wilma Are Gone

Barbara JC: Fred & Wilma Are Gone: "Fred and Wilma were missing one morning last week. We were dismayed as they had become part of the family and enjoyed their company. Fred ..."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Family Sanity

The summer and sanity sometimes don't go together.

  • Planning trips that really aren't in the budget
  • Sleeping
  • Too much sun
  • Not enough sun
  • Rain - or no rain
  • What movies to see
  • How to prevent the "B" word - Boredom
So let's share ideas on how to survive and have fun at the same time :)


Men - Making Them Feel Special

Okay, Girls,

Let's get together and share what we do to make our man feel special :) Sometimes it seems men get a bad rap - no they're not perfect - but neither are we :)

So, tell us what you do to create that appreciation that they deserve!Follow on Buzz


wow, what to do when a spouse is looking for a job?? I tell ya, it's pretty frustrating!

You see, we started a small business and it has been slllllllllooooooooowwwww getting big - but we will get there - I have faith and hope :) What we need are clients ;)

Anyway, I digress. How to handle a spouse who is looking quite dilliegnetly for a job can be a challenge. Trying to be encouraging is the obvious answer but how encouraging can I really be. I want to buy body lotion and the cats need food - well give the cats to a good home would be my answer but that is not the right answer, if you know what I mean.

He doesn't need to get down and I'm trying not to get down but putting in job apps everyday, day after day ........

Someone has to call and offer him a job, right :)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thoughts on Fireworks

God is really pretty cool!!!!

I'm watching the firworks on July 4th and I felt such an emotion of appreciation to all the warriers who have fought for my freedom! The brilliance in the night sky was magnificent!

I write for hubpages and as I was thinking of a title for my article the word "montage" popped into my head. Don't know about you, but it is not a word I frequently use so I looked it up and wallah, it was perfect for what I wanted to express. Definition of montage according to the merriam-Webster Dictionary - Definition of MONTAGE
the production of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to illustrate an association of ideas.

Perfect for my article - Thank you God :) check it out at the following link.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Life is Good - part 2

Yes, life is good. Money is important as we need it to pave our way through a myriad of expenses in life. Having money does not guarantee happiness – it does make life easier when pay bills though ;) Still working on working out our finances, but it’s gonna be okay.

I’ve been counting my daily blessings and what I’m thankful for the past few days to encourage myself – it is working! I have my family, health, a house, a car, a job, I can read & write I’m not crazy (some would argue with that one….), and you know what, I actually like myself! Not in an uppity conceited way but finally coming to the conclusion that I am okay – what is it I have heard Joyce Meyer say, "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be. I'm OK, and I'm on my way!" How true is that!!! (If you’ve never listened to her I encourage you to do so)

What does that really mean? Think back to the dumb things you’ve done in your life – some of us have more than others…. – and look at how you have learned what not to do. As a middle school teacher, I have told my students that it is okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them! A person who is unwilling to learn or admit mistakes is actually a miserable person. Why is it so hard for someone to say, “oops, I did it, it was my fault”. The person who doesn’t admit to errors makes it very difficult for others to be around them and they are quite lonely people (isn’t that a song by Paul McCartney? Will have to check)

Back to the “list” - actually, I had so many things I am thankful for that I ran out of space and got fed up of writing – but you get my message here.

Don’t quit, things can change suddenly for us – we need to keep a positive outlook as who wants to be around a grump 

Till next time, BJC~

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life is Good - part one

Yeah, I know people say the economy tanked, people have lost their jobs, families have lost their job/s, more families have less to spend on family vacations, the dropout rate is high etc etc. BUT, ya know what, we're ALIVE and free! The United States is still a great nation with the best people in the world. We're waking up each morning and we do have food to eat - maybe not what we want but it's food!

Now, before anyone thinks, "who does she think she is, she has no idea what it's like to have no money for food, the rent/mortgage, gas to get to work and so on. Well let me share that this has been one of the most horrible years financially for me. The family income decreased by half and gas was rationed out to ensure I went to work and ran errands at the same time to save gas. I paid bills online and almost filed bankruptcy - but I didn't.

You know what, I'm still here!!!!

Hang in there and DON'T GIVE UP!! YOU'RE GONNA MAKE IT!!